Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Facing Fears

Facing Fears

I have a fear of flying, a fear of heights, and a fear of falling from heights. My motto: I believe in terra firma. The more firma the less terra.

Because of those fears, it took years before I would fly and more years before I trusted the plane I was on not to crash. Even now I still worry each time I get on a plane. Recently, I was on vacation in Mazatlan with my son and daughter-in-law. Their timeshare is right on the beach so I would watch people parasailing out over the ocean and landing safely back on land. It is something I’ve watched before and thought I would like to try-someday. Well, that day arrived while I was there. I gathered up my courage and with my son at my side, went to talk with the men on the beach. I paid the money and was given a life jacket to put on. Then I was hooked up to the sail and a rope from the boat knotted to the equipment. I was told to sit and the boat started pulling me over the sand and soon I was rising up in the air.

My stomach clenched, I held on to the straps for dear life, and I started to hyperventilate. But I looked at the view and it was amazing: the ocean, the city, the mountains in the distance. However, each time the wind whipped at the sail and I went sideways I would gasp and may even have done some swearing. I had been told that once I was up in the air I could relax and let go of the straps. No %$&# way. I was taken in a loop over the water and eventually the boat slowed and I began to descend. I had a walkie talkie and was told to pull on the ropes of the sail to guide me towards the beach (I’d been given instructions how to do it) and I made a safe, stand-up landing. And I felt exhilarated. I had done it, faced my fears and had a new experience.

Fear is fear and many new writers face the fear of sitting down and writing the story they want to. Many don’t tell anyone about their writing aspirations. Part way through their manuscript they doubt their abilities as a writer and think about scraping the whole process. If they finish the manuscript, they worry that no one will like and are afraid to put their ‘baby’ out in the world where it risks rejection. If they do find someone to read it and get back some negative feedback, they are tempted to quit writing altogether. If they get far enough in the process where they think about trying to find an agent or publisher, all the worries surface again. Each of these is a big step in a writer’s life and fear and doubt rule them all. Even once a book is published the writer wonders how it will be received by the readers.

If I didn’t face my fears of flying and heights, I would never go beyond the oceans that surround Canada. As a writer, if I hadn’t overcome my fears of rejection I wouldn’t have over twenty books traditionally published.

Even if my first writing hadn’t been accepted, I would still consider myself a winner for I had been brave enough to try something new and different. Just like flying, and walking across bridges that span canyons and gorges, and parasailing, I have done something that scared me and won. So I advise every new writer to follow your dream and don't let fear stop you. Face it and overcome it and enjoy being a writer.

And never let age stop you from doing anything. I plan on skydiving when I am 90 years old. Gives me a few years to psych myself up.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve includes the full day December 24. In some religions, celebrations begin on Christmas Eve because of Chapter 1, Verse 5 in The First Book Of Moses, called Genesis: And God called the light Day and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. They believe because of that verse, the day of worship begins in the evening. Many churches ring their bells and hold services in the evening.

Also, according to Luke Chapter 2 Verses 6-8, Jesus was born at night. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger: because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.

A small nativity scene is set up indoors or a larger one outdoors and has figurines showing Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus. There may also be a lamb and the shepherds mentioned in Luke.

Christmas Eve day is considered a partial holiday and part of the Christmas celebrations. The two days are significant to areas in the world where Christianity is widespread. Families and friends gather Christmas Eve to go carolling, or walk their neighbourhoods to enjoy the lights, or go to church. Many even have their turkey dinner and unwrap gifts that evening.

Children go to bed Christmas Eve hoping they have been good enough throughout the year to receive a gift from the man in red. There are many different names around the world for the man who delivers to gifts: Santa Claus, Kris Kringle, St. Nicholas, and Father Christmas. May everyone who celebrates have a wonderful Christmas this year. And happy holidays to everyone having a celebration this season